Monday, 17 November 2014

Winter is Here!

There was a flurry of excitement here today in Kindergarten.  The snow was drawing out all sorts of imaginative play from our little snow angels.

It looks like snow will be here for awhile and we will be dealing with snow pants, hats, mitts, scarves, boots etc. for a long time to come.

Please, please, please make sure ALL items are labelled.  Today we had numerous pieces of outdoor clothing without labels and it just makes life so much more difficult during dressing/undressing times.

The children will all need waterproof mittens and boots.  One mom shared that she buys a waterproofing spray and sprays the cloth mitts and boots every 2-3 weeks during the winter to ensure they still retain their waterproof properties.  Imagine having to stick your hands into snow-caked, soaked yarn/wool mittens and then having to wear them for an extended period of time.  Brrr...  
Almost always it's a lack of appropriate outdoor clothing or accessories which puts a damper on outside play - they would stay out all day if we let them!

Don't forget the snow pants!

Thanks for helping us to make peace with Winter!