Thursday, 6 November 2014

Do all pumpkins have the same number of seeds? Part Two...

So, after a week of counting and more counting we have an answer to our question.  We used hundreds charts to help us count (it was great practice for fine motor and 1:1 correspondence too).  

We discovered that pumpkin #1 had 673 seeds!  Wow - way more than we all had estimated.  We knew from a non-fiction book that we had read that pumpkins can have hundreds of seeds but I don't think we expected almost 700!  Our second pumpkin had 618 seeds.  The pumpkin was a little smaller than our first pumpkin so most of us had estimated a smaller amount.  Numbers in the hundreds are hard for many little brains to comprehend, however, we do know that it is a big number rather than a little number and ultimately we know that the numbers are different.  This means we can answer our question.

Believe it or not, they still want to scoop out and seperate more seeds - but this time they want to roast them!  Yumm.