Wednesday, 5 November 2014

JK In-Class Observations

Thank you to families who have returned the letter about JK in-class observations.  Formal interviews begin in SK.  As a parent of a JK student, you are invited to attend an in-class observation.  We ask that you be available for the entire period from 8:30 to 10:00am. This will allow you time to observe your child and time for a short meeting with us.

I have just been notified today that I will be out of the classroom working on a school project for the mornings of November 26th and 27th.  Unfortunately this makes in-class observations and meetings with parents impossible.  Therefore, we would like to reschedule for Friday, November 21st, Monday, November 24th and Tuesday, November 25th.  A new letter will be sent home tomorrow.  

Please send back the revised letter as soon as possible.  I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.