The Roots of Empathy program runs on a three week rotation. First a pre-visit lesson, then a visit from the mom and baby and then at post-visit lesson. This week it was our second mom & baby visit and we were excited.
Baby Maya was all smiles on arrival. Seeing her smile was new for us and such a treat. Isn't she adorable!
Mrs. Carroll led us through our regular review of what Baby Maya can and can't do yet. Each child had a chance to place the cards on the correct mat. We noticed that this visit there were more 'cans' on the mat than last time. Our baby is growing and learning!
We loved her little hair band. Some friends thought it made her look like a ninja baby! We had a good chuckle over that one.
Baby Maya became a little fussy during the visit which was rather timely as we were learning about why a baby cries. Mom knew best and pulled out the soother and promptly Maya fell asleep in her mother's arms. It was then that we learned to sing an Arabic lullaby that mom sang for us. It was beautiful.
It was a great visit. We noticed so many changes in our little teacher since our first visit.
We will see mom and baby again during the first week of January.
Happy Holidays Maya!