Monday, 8 December 2014

"Homework" Helpers

Hello Families!

As you know, the single most important 'homework' you can do with your child is to read to and with them nightly.  In addition we have added on the learning of Dolch words to increase your child's sight word bank.  

As your child develops as a reader there are many prompts we can use to support their acquisition of this lifelong skill.  We can do the same for them as writers.  In tomorrow's iBag we will be sending home a purple paper with these prompts for you to use as your child is reading and writing.  Here's a sneak peek...

As an extra 'value-added bonus' - a set of sheets showing the proper formation of numerals using easy to remember sayings.  We will be using them here at school too.  I hope you find these handouts to be helpful!

And just when you thought you couldn't get a better deal...we will include, free of charge - a 'No Excuses' spelling list that many of you have asked for.  Please bear in mind that this the Grade One list and are the words a grade one student would be expected to spell without excuse by the end of their grade one year.