Friday, 30 January 2015

PA Day Monday

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Monday is a PADay and there will be no school. Tuesday will be a Day 5 on our schedule.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Superhero Day Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow you can dress up as your favourite superhero or make up a costume.  Have fun dressing up. We look forward to seeing all of your creative ideas.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Exciting News Gnorm is Back!

Today the students came into the class and found a fun surprise. Gnorm had returned and was sitting in the rocking chair. He left all of us a note:

Dear MacWands’, I mean MacWandsons’,

I hope you are all doing well! I need to tell you a secret… I have really missed you. Have you missed me too?

I heard that you changed your class name and had a vote to decide what name would be best. I like the new name!! If I were here when you voted I would have voted for that name too. J

Sorry it’s taken me some time to get back to you. I have been busy in the forest with my forest friends after my trip with Mrs. Snow. What a change in temperature! I went from hot sunny days in Florida to cold, snowy and windy days here in Canada. Did you see the pictures of me on my vacation? I had the best time and I hope I have another chance to go again. I have to tell you the truth.. it was my first vacation ever.

My forest friends said that they heard you in the woods the other day. They said you were trying to find the pond.  Did you? They also told me that you thought you found a beaver dam? How interesting! Maybe I can come with you the next time you go into the forest so I can try to see it as well.

I know that some of you came to school last night to introduce your parents to Ms. Persons. I tried so hard to be here but I came too late. I hope you don’t mind but I saw your cookies and ate a few. I was hungry after that long walk from the forest. I have little legs you know.

I see your room has changed and you added some great art on the wall. Are those your self-portraits?  I was wondering if anyone could do a portrait of me? I would love to see what I look like in a painting.

I am so glad to see all of you! I can’t wait to see what you are doing in the classroom. I promise I will be here for a few days, so let the good times roll!!!



Wednesday, 21 January 2015

JK Reading Program

Hi Everyone,

The JK's are beginning to bring home books to read during the week! It is important to read the books with your son or daughter several times to help them become familiar with new words. You can make if fun by searching for words in the books. Try to finding objects around the house that start with the same letters that appear in the books. Have them quiz you on words and play a game. It is important that they are having fun and learn to love reading.  Please send the books back on Monday of each week and we will replace them with new books.

Have fun reading!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Outdoor Adventure

Hello Everyone,

Today the MacWandsons’ had a wonderful walk in the woods. After many days of being cooped up due to the extremely cold temperatures, today seemed like a great day for exploration! We all grabbed our sticks and off we went.

Along the way we had some very interesting discoveries. One student thought they found a beaver dam. While another Sk student thought that someone had come into the woods and cut down some trees and left them in a pile. As we were searching to find the pond, many students wondered if the pond was under the pile of sticks and if they really did find a beaver dam?! The topic of hibernation was also thrown out in our conversation. Believe it or not many of our students knew what this big word meant while others are inquiring about it. We are excited to see where this leads us as a class!

As we continued we also found a tree that looked to be a good spot for animals to curl up in during the colder weather. The students wondered what types of animals might use this space.  One student thought it would be a good rabbit hole.

After a long walk and some great discoveries we all took a rest and made some snow angles in the woods. We talked about how we could see more animals in the woods if we were quiet so we wouldn’t scare them away.

We did make it to the pond after a long walk and had a wonderful time getting there. We are looking forward to our next adventure!



Monday, 19 January 2015

Meet and Greet

Hello Everyone,

It's been wonderful getting to know your sons and daughters!  I have had the opportunity to meet some of you but would love the chance to formally meet you at a  Meet and Greet. I would like to invite you to come to our Kindergarten room on Tuesday, Jan 27 2015. I will be in the room between 4:30 and 5:30pm for you to drop in for a visit.  Please feel free to bring your son/daughter so he/she can show you what we have been working on in class! If you are unable to make if on this occasion,  please email me and we can set up another time to meet individually.

I am looking forward to meeting with all of you hope to see you then!



Thursday, 15 January 2015

PA Day

Hello Everyone!

Just to let you know that Friday Jan 16, 2015  is a PA Day and there will be no school. Monday will be a day 5 on the schedule.

Thanks have a great day!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Teacher Learning

Hello All,

Just to clarify, substitute teachers will be in for the morning and programming will go on as usual.

Thanks have a good night!

Teacher Learning

Hello Everyone,

Just to inform you that the JK/SK staff will be out of the classroom for the morning for a learning program. We will be back by 11:30am.

Have a great night!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Change of Name

Hello Everyone,

Earlier this week we posed a question to our students about the name MacWands' since things have changed in the class. We wanted to know what they thought about it and if it should be changed. We gave them some options as we talked to them. They could keep the name the same (MacWands'), change it to MacPersons or amalgamate the name to MacWandsons'. In order to come to a decision we took a vote. We explained that it was important for everyone to have a voice in this decision. We actually voted twice as some of us were learning that we could only choose once. The students voted to have the name change to  MacWandsons'. We were very impressed with our students abilities to make this decision and put their thoughts into words.

Have a great day,

Ms. Persons.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Roots of Empathy Baby Maya's Visit

Today we had great visit from baby Maya.

Our students have been learning about what a baby needs to have in their diaper bag when travelling. Today they had the chance to see if their predictions were right. All of our JK/SK students enjoyed seeing how baby Maya has grown. They were thrilled to see that she could start to sit up with the help of her mom.

We are looking forward to her next visit.


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Gnorm's trip to Florida

Dear MacWands,

 I hope you had a great winter break. I had the most awesome time! Many of you may have known that Mrs. Snow, your principal invited me to join her family on a sunny Florida vacation! She was so nice to take me along and her family was very kind and funny.

I have never been to anywhere so far away. It took 24 hours to drive in the car. I offered to drive but they said it was okay and that I should just relax. Ms. Wand sent me with some great sun glasses and a bathing suit. That was good thinking on her part.

I was having so much fun on the trip Mrs. Snow decided to take some pictures of me so that I could share them with you.

As you can see I played in the sand a lot. It was so warm, not like the snow at home. I even got to sit in one of those lounge chairs by the ocean and see all the people swimming. I didn’t go in the water this time, I was a little afraid.

I also wanted to show you that Florida has grass! Because it is so warm there they don’t get snow like we do. I was able to travel around and have many fun adventures.

I can’t wait until my next big adventure if Mrs. Snow ever invites you to go on vacation with her I would go!!!!!



Monday, 5 January 2015

Welcome Back

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

Today was a fantastic start to a new year. Everyone worked very hard and was in good spirits.

I wanted to let you know that we will continue to use this blog for the rest of the year for any notifications and updates.

Please feel free to call me at the school at any time, also I wanted to make sure that you have my email for any questions or concerns you may have.

I look forward to meeting all of you and working closely with you.

Amanda Persons