Friday, 26 September 2014

A New Caterpillar Friend

Today I brought in a new insect friend.
It is an Elm Sphinx caterpillar.  It is also known as a Four-Horned Caterpillar.  It's about the length of my middle finger and is very friendly.  He (or she) was on a walk-about looking for an appropriate place to pupate for the winter.  In the Spring it will emerge as a Elm Sphinx Moth.  As you can see, it will be fairly large!

But before it emerges as a moth it will need to pupate.  Compared to our already pupated American Dagger Moth caterpillar who has spun a lovely cocoon for himself, this caterpillar is a burrower.  It will tunnel down under the leaf litter into the soil and compact itself and finally create a hard shelled pupa that is quite spectacular. 
This is from a close relative still in Sphinx family.
I was unable to find an exact Elm Sphinx pupa.
Our next step is to ensure it's container gets some soil and leaf litter and see what happens!  It's exciting!

PSB (Poem and Song Book)

Please return the Poem and Song Book the day, or weekend after it is sent home.  We like to add to it.  Please do not leave it at home.  Thanks!


Mrs. Wright was in this week during her weekly timeslot and was working with the children on traffic safety.  They learned two poems and then made their own traffic light craft.  The rip-and-tear practice is also helping us to build up our finger strength and pinching which helps us to grip a pencil and other writing utensils.  Ask your child to tell you what they have learned about traffic safety.  (I tried for 15 minutes to get the pictures to rotate one quarter turn when linking them to the blog and then I gave up...Please note: Chiropractic bills will not be covered for any injuries associated with reading this blog post!)

Volunteers in the School

We are going to Brooks Farm on Monday October 20.  We will need 3 parent volunteers.  If you wish to be considered (we imagine there will get lots of interest), your PVSC (Police Vulnerable Sector Check) or Annual Offence Declaration (for those with a previous PVSC) must be on file at the office.  Please pass along a note to let us know that the school has received it.  More information regarding the trip will be coming home shortly. Thanks!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Fire Drill

Today we had a practice fire drill and everyone survived the (often traumatic) experience.  We had practised last week and reviewed again before it happened today to prepare the children.  We had a few tears because of the very loud fire bell, but they quickly subsided.  We will have a few mandatory drills throughout the year.  This week and next we will be preparing the students for a Lockdown drill.  

Tomorrow, September 24

The Kindergarten Crew (all 5 of us) are at a workshop with other FDK educators tomorrow to do some more professional learning about the new full day program.  You will see new faces in the yard tomorrow. Please be patient at dismissal time as these teachers don't know your faces and they will want to make sure the children are delivered safely to you.

We have library tomorrow with Mrs. Nelson.  Many books have been returned already.  If your child would like a new book they will need to bring back theirs from last week.  Thanks!

October 2014 Calendar Revised Again!

Sunday, 21 September 2014

October Classroom Calendar - Revised

Thanks for your patience as we try to figure out the best electronic format to share the monthly calendar.

Welcome Fall! Goodbye Monarchs!

Hello Families!

Tomorrow, September 22, at 10:29pm EDT, we will welcome Autumn!  With the erratic weather of the past week it seems like we are already there.  We certainly hope our butterflies have made it successfully across Lake Ontario.  Friday marked the final release of our last Monarch.  We wished her a safe journey.

Last week, I was informed through our Monarch Teacher Network that a Monarch with tag letters TAZ was seen roosting along the shores of Lake Ontario along with hundreds of others readying themselves for their biggest obstacle of their journey.  This is promising news considering the batch of tags I was issued this year are TAZ tags!  We now will wait patiently until Spring to see if any of our Monarchs were located in the overwintering grounds of Mexico.  Keep your fingers crossed!

In the next two weeks we will be preparing the materials we need to participate in the Symbolic Migration project hosted by Journey North.  You can check out their website here: Journey North - Citizen Science.  This week will also be sending the data from our citizen science project on Monarch protozoan parasites to the University of Georgia.  

Monarchs across the continent are subject to a parasite called Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE).  It is a protozoan parasite that infects Monarch and Queen butterflies. OE isn’t an animal or a plant, but a protozoan. Protozoans are single celled organisms that have many of the same characteristics as animals. We have tested approximately 30 butterflies in the last 3 weeks and are looking forward to hearing from the scientists in Georgia on the health of our Monarchs.  We are part of a continent-wide science experiment!  You can find more information here:Project Monarch Health

A migratory butterfly I had in quarantine due to a malformed & oozing chrysalis.
He emerged perfectly and is on his way to Mexico!
Can you see the distinctive black scent patches on his hind wings, close to his abdomen?
Only males have those pheromone patches - they need to smell good to find a girlfriend!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

A Visit from Dr. Dan

Hello Families!

This week we had a visit from the esteemed Lepidopterist, Dr. Danaus Plexippus (Dr. Dan for short).  He was able to catch a butterfly named Monarcha who was wanting to make her way to Mexico.   Sadly Monarcha was ill-prepared considering she had none of her special butterfly parts to make the journey.  Being a Lepidopterist (a butterfly scientist), Dr. Dan gave her everything she needed to safely migrate the over 4000km to Mexico.  Ask your budding Lepidopterist if they can list the butterfly parts that were given to Monarcha and what they are for.

We sent off Monarcha to Mexico with our Gotta Go chant and said goodbye to Dr. Dan.  Before he left we learned that he was named after the scientific name for Monarchs - Danaus Plexippus.  What a coincidence!

Today, we received a special letter from our new friend Dr. Dan.  He was thinking that maybe our classes would like to have their own dress-up kit just like Monarcha's and sent in an awesome kit for us to use in our dramatic centre.  It even has a Dr. Dan lab coat!

Luckily Ms. MacDearmid was able to catch a few photos of Dr. Dan and Monarcha.  I wish I would have been there to meet Dr. Dan - maybe next time....

Dr. Dan and Monarcha

Monarcha trying out her new wings!

Mexico - here I come!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Milk Madness

Hello Families,

On Friday, we were asked to send home Milk Orders for this term. Kindies have previously been excluded from milk orders for a variety of reasons.  Our Kindergarten Team is strongly urging to you ensure the following before placing a milk order for your child:

1.  Can your child successfully drink from a milk carton?
2.  Will your child drink an entire carton of milk at lunch?

Opening 51 milk cartons only to have a student unable to drink it or spilling it involves a great deal of manpower and patience.  If you have any doubts, please consider refraining from ordering this round and practising with your child in the meantime.  The next round of orders will be sent home in January. Thank you sincerely for your consideration in this matter.

Just a reminder that it's Library Day TOMORROW with Mrs. Nelson.  If your child hasn't already brought back their book, please have them do so tomorrow as they will be prevented from signing out another book until the previous one is returned.  Thanks!

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Coming soon...

Hello Families!

We are just about to start Week Three.  This week will likely mark our last Monarch emergence.  We still have a few that pupated the first week of school that will emerge this week.  With the colder nighttime temperatures it's high time for our friends to start migrating.  It is always sad to let the last one go, but with it comes hope that we are making an impact on this Species of Concern and educating students on the importance of their role as stewards.  

You may have heard that last week a fuzzy caterpillar came waltzing through the Kindergarten doors on a walkabout.  It has currently taken up residence in a viewing box where it is spinning a cocoon to overwinter. In the spring it will emerge as a rather indescript American Dagger Moth.  The caterpillar certainly had perfect timing as we have been teaching the children the differences between butterfly and moth.  Let them tell you what they know. 

(FYI: Some fuzzy caterpillars have been known to cause painful rashes on sensitive individuals.  It's good practice not to handle caterpillars with 'spiky bits'.  Having them walk along your hand is okay, but prolonged exposure to their fuzziness by 'petting' can cause a reaction in some.)

American Dagger Moth
American Dagger Moth Caterpillar

Coming soon in an iBag near you:

1.     Kindergarten Poem and Song Book
This book will include the poems and songs we have been learning at school.  We already have quite a repertoire.  It will usually go home on Fridays.  We ask that you please return it to school on Mondays so we can fill it up with new material for the week.  

2.     Monthly Calendar
Our hope is to have this calendar attached to this blog to reduce paper.  However, the first calendar we will also send home in hard copy.  On the calendar you will find the days numbered according to cycle, library days, gym days, other special events and Star of the Day.  

3.     Scholastic Book Orders
Many of you are familiar with the monthly flyers which allow you to purchase books and other items through Scholastic.  There is certainly no obligation to purchase any items.  When purchases are made, rewards are returned to the classroom to purchase books and materials specifically for our classroom.  If you choose to order please fill out the appropriate info on the flyer and return with a cheque made payable to Scholastic Canada.  Cash payment is not accepted.  Be sure to verify the price for Ontario when making purchases as the taxes are different in other provinces.  You'll see the chart on the order form.  We will staple the flyers together and stamp a due date on the first flyer.

Have a great week!

All about Ms.MacDearmid

Let me take this opportunity to tell you about myself. Not only am I a teacher but I am a mother of 2 amazing boys. They are the center of my universe. They are 8.5 and 6.5 years old. I also am blessed to have 2 wonderful stepchildren.  My step son is 9 and my step daughter is 7. Although I have a busy and hectic houshold I wouldn't change it for the world.
Having my own children really enabled me to become a better teacher, as I was then able to fully understand the prespective of a parent.

I hold 2 diplomas. 1 in Recreation Leadership and the other in Early Childhood Education.  I have spent the past 10 years teaching in a Private Jewish  Nursery School. This is my first year working for the YRDSB and I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to work at Highview P.S. I look forward to being with your children each and every day.

I have a love for sports. Ive personally been involved through out my public and high school years. I have also played competitive soccer for 14 years and Ontario Volleyball for 1. My love for sports and children together also gave me many years of gratification as I was a head coach for a reputable sports company teaching children sports in a non competitive way.
Monica and I look forward to a fun and exciting year and we can not wait to see the growth of your children.

Ms. Jodie MacDearmid

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

All About Ms. Wand

I'm a nature lover.  I have been known to hug trees.  I strongly believe that children can't love and care for what they don't know about.  I grew up in Brighton, ON on the shores of Presqu'ile Provincial Park.  My playground was the waters of Lake Ontario, the sandunes, forests and marshes of Presqu'ile.  I grew up collecting caterpillars and snapping turtles, hand-feeding swans and mucking about in the marsh uncovering the mysteries of the lake.

I believe that education is not just about the curriculum.  My goal is to give students the tools and environment in which to become motivated, self-regulated, and caring citizens - all while giving them the academic start they need to become life-long learners.  I love my job.

This year marks my sixteenth year of teaching.  My teaching career started in New Brunswick and I later taught in Newmarket and just recently spent five years in a term position as Outdoor Education Lead Teacher within the board.  I have spent one year here at Highview teaching Grade One.  I have also been a Summer Learning Principal in the board for the past three years.  Prior to teaching I was an Advanced Care Paramedic and have spent over 25 years in the residential camping industry starting out as a sailing instructor and working my up to directing camps in Canada, the US and abroad.  

I have an affinity for rubber chickens, dragonflies and of course - Monarch Butterflies.    As a Lead Teacher for the Monarch Teacher Network of Canada, I spend much of my summer raising Monarchs, creating Monarch habitats and teaching other educators across Canada on how to Teach and Learn with Monarch Butterflies.  It's a busy time but something I am passionate about and I never tire of the look of wonder on the faces of my students when a caterpillar pupates or a butterfly emerges or they get a true butterfly kiss.  It's magical and an important step to teaching our children to become environmental stewards. The can't love what they don't know!

I am excited about being part of an incredible FDK team here at Highview and look forward to partnering with you in the early education of your children!

“In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.”

― Baba Dioum

Week One Done!

Already a week has gone by in our FDK adventure and everyone is doing well!  Crying has pretty much subsided and everyone is happy upon arrival.  We are enjoying our time together building inclusion, developing routines and understanding expectations.

Please subscribe to our blog.  Using Blogger is new to us and was recommended as it part of the Google suite of apps.  YRDSB has adopted the use of Google Apps throughout the system.  All Staff and Students are issued a Google account.  As your children progress through the system they will be using their Google account to submit assignments and gather, create, store and manage information.  

We have two adults in our room - Myself and Ms. Jodie MacDearmid our absolutely incredible DECE (Designated Early Childhood Educator).  Many of you have met her at drop-off or pick-up.  Please feel free to share any information with either of us.  We are a team.

There are 24 students in our classroom which, if you haven't been in our room, is connected rather openly to Mrs. Scott's classroom.  It's a busy and fun environment for all us!  Our class is comprised of 10 SKs and 14 JKs.  We have 10 girls and 14 boys.  Combined we have 51 Kindergarten students.  You can imagine how chaotic that can be during transition times like arrival, snack, lunch and dismissal.    For this reason we beg that you label everything you send with your child.  

If items come to school without a label you may find that we have taken matters into our own hands and used a Sharpie to label it.  You can imagine how challenging it is to manage 51 pairs of shoes, snowpants, jackets, mittens, lunch pails, water bottles, extra clothes, hats etc and then 51 students on top!  Please consider putting a Sharpie in a convenient location at home to make labelling easier or look into a label system like Mabel's Labels.

In addition to this blog, our classroom has a Twitter account.  Follow us @wanderfulones.  We will start tweeting next week based on input from the children.  You can also reach us through email I will check this account each day afterschool.  If there is something urgent, we recommend you drop a note in the iBag, give us a call, or if applicable, talk to one of us at drop-off or pick-up.

The iBag is the MOST important communication tool.  We ask that it come to school each and every day - even when empty!  It is a great training tool for the agenda that your child will use starting in grade one.  It's a great way to let us know about appointments, vacations, pick-up changes etc.  We send homework, items to share, letters and permission forms in the bag.  

If your child would like to play with a classmate (a great way to foster budding friendships), please put a note in the in the iBag including your name and contact info and we will be happy to pass it along.  We are unable to share personal phone numbers or email addresses of other parents.  

Please send indoor shoes that are safe and appropriate for Gym classes (no Crocs, sandals, slip-ons) as well as a spare set of clothing in a labelled Ziploc bag.  This bag will stay at school in their cubby. It's also crucial that your child have a labelled water bottle.  The brain simply can't function at it's best without adequate hydration.

Both Mrs. Scott and I are trying to eliminate juice boxes and juice pouches this year.  It leaves behind garbage, pouches are not recyclable in our bins and can be very messy with spills.  We strongly recommend that you send water as it's refreshing, won't spoil and won't be sticky if accidentally spilled in a lunch bag or backpack.  If you do feel the need to send juices, please pour it into a tightly closing refillable container to avoid spills and more importantly, so it can be refilled with water when needed.  

Our students visit the Library with Mrs. Nelson each Day 1 after lunch.  We also have Gym twice a week on Days 3 and 5.  Other teachers that teach, play and learn with your children are Mrs. Walker, Madame Draper and Mrs. Wright.

Here is the link for the 5 Day Cycle Calendar for all Elementary Schools in the board.  It will help you keep track! 5 Day Cycle Calendar.  A few of our SK parents have been asking about a Star of the Day Calendar - it will be coming soon!  We will attempt to add it here to the blog for easy access. 

In order for us to be successful with e-communication, we ask that you all provide us with an email address. Many of you already have in the green or white Background Information page that we sent home last week or was given out at the Welcome to Kindergarten evening in the Spring.  If you haven't already, please send it back completed to school and ensure we have a working email address.

Our Meet the Teacher evening has been scheduled for October 2 with a tentative time of 6:30pm to 8:30pm.  We await confirmation from Mrs. Snow.

Finally, if you haven't already heard it from your children - we have butterflies!
I am one of five Lead Teachers in the Canada for the Monarch Teacher Network of Canada.  The network covers Canada, the US and Mexico (the overwintering grounds of the Monarch).  This summer I have reared over 150 Monarchs from egg to butterfly and we are now experiencing the end of the season emergences of our migrating Monarchs.  We are learning so much and every morning there is excitement to see whether we have had another emergence.   We'll tell you more about that in another blog!

Good news, other blogs will not be this long! Both Jodie and are I looking forward to an incredible year with your children!
It's a Boy!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello friends!  Welcome to our Classroom!

We look forward to sharing information, resources, highlights of our Full Day Kindergarten journey.

Please check-in regularly to ensure you are up-to-date on the happenings in our classroom as this is our primary means of letting you know what's happening and upcoming here at Highview.  

Both Jodie and I look forward to meeting you and sharing in the education of your child.

M. Wand & J. MacDearmid