Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Community Helpers

We are learning about community and the people who help us in it. Today we went on a community walk to see what was in our neighbourhood around the school. Students saw many things on our walk.
-police car
-mail truck
- street signs and lights
-hair salon
Please have a look around your neighbourhood to see what your son/daughter can find. We are focusing on recognizing things that are both man made and nature made.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Milk Program

Today we got the chance to learn about milk, how it is processed and where it comes from. Our students seemed to really enjoy the presentation. They learnt what cows eat, how they are milked and what life is like on the farm. If you get a chance ask your son/daughter about what types of foods contain milk. We have been talking about it in class.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Spring weather

Hi Everyone,

We are hoping for warmer weather but still goin out even if it is colder then we hoped. Please make sure that you send hats, mitts, and snowpants just in case we get a cold day. Also please make sure to send a water bottle for your son/daughter so they can get drinks throughout he day.


Monday, 23 March 2015

Science Centre

Hello Everyone,

Today we had an excellent time at the Science Centre. It was a perfect day to go as it was not that busy and the students got to try out all the activities. We started out the day at the Kidspark. There were many activities such as a food market, giant marble run, house building centre, water table, caves and so much more. Mid way through the day the students went to a science workshop. They learnt about types of transportation and movement they got a chance to explore all the concepts in small groups with experiments. After lunch we got a chance to explore a bit more and when to see some of the other exhibits. One of the highlights was that all of the students, who wanted to,  got to touch the giant electrical ball and make their hair stand up on end. Everyone was so excited. We had a fantastic day and are full of new ideas and stories.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Welcome back

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a great break. I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday. Just a reminder that Monday is our trip and we wanted to give you some details. For snacks please send dry food, muffins, granola bars, crackers etc. We will not have a lot of time to stop and eat so quick snack would be best. Lunches can be the same as usual. Please make sure that you send a water bottle so your son or daughter has a drink throughout the day. Also please send a change of clothes in their backpacks, just in case it's needed. 

Have a great weekend, see you Monday.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Warm Weather

Hi Everyone,

The weather has been great and the students have enjoyed being outside. However they are coming in wet and using their change of clothes. If possible please add a new change of clothes to their bags and some extra mitts. This will keep everyone warm and happy.


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Beautiful Junk

We are beginning a new centre for exploration called Beautiful Junk. At this station students will be able to design and build things using their imagination and creative abilities. We are looking for anything that students can create with.  paper towel rolls, pieces of material ie) fabric, ribbon, yarn, egg cartons,  straws, milk cartons, juice cups, or anything else that you can think of to enhance the children's creativity.

Thanks for you assistance.

Science Centre Reminders

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder to return the Science Centre forms by Thursday March the 12th because of Friday's P.A Day.


Monday, 9 March 2015

The Ontario Science Centre

We have made room for two parent volunteers (maximum per class) to join us on the bus as helpers at the science centre. If you are interested please send us a note. We will put names in a hat and let you know who will be joining us. We thank everyone for you quick response to fill out the forms and return them to the school. We are looking forward to a fun time.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Fun Times with the MacWandsons'

Hi Everyone,

A note went home today about a field trip to the Ontario Science Centre. Please take a look in the ibags and return as soon as possible.

Here are some fun photos to look at.

Girls against the boys playing a game of Wall Tag.

A game of octopus.

Space land rover to land on the moon.

Land rover to land on Mars.

Fun at the house centre.

Space rover.

Dancing in Music Class.

Music Games.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Alergy Alert

Hi Everyone,

We have a student in the kindergarten class that is severely allergic to sesame seeds. We are asking that you check to make sure that the food you are sending does not contain nuts or sesame seeds. This is greatly appreciated.


The kindergarten Team


Hello Everyone,

We are continuing to work on our space unit. All of our students have shown great interest in learning about all the planets and our solar system. Recently we have been designing a spaceship that students can use for dramatic play. They have been very proud to build our ship and came up with great ideas about what it would need to go to space.

Students are working with "space balls" these gel balls squish and move as students measure and sift them.

We have been learning about the sun. Students are recording the facts that they have learnt.

Students are making shaving cream Earths.

Building using our big blocks to make a spaceship.